Enthralling Charm: Delving into the Splendid Magnificence of the Luxurious Crested Jay within Mother Nature’s Masterpiece

The plush-crested jay, also known as Cyanocorax chrysops, is an exquisite bird of medium size. Its black underparts, chin, throat, neck sides, and breast give it a striking appearance. The remaining underparts range from creamy-white to a pale yellowish hue. The under tail feathers have a gradual shift in color, starting with creamy or pale yellowish tones and transitioning into dark bases.

A unique feature of this bird is its forehead, which is covered in stiff feathers that gradually become softer towards the crown, creating a velvety crest. The forehead, crown, and sides of the head are all black, accompanied by a vibrant ultramarine arc above the eyes that adds an enchanting touch. Just below the eye, there is another spot of similar coloration that extends towards the back, forming a V-shaped cyan-blue stripe.

Moving down to the neck, a pale ultramarine shade blends seamlessly into a pure ultramarine hue. The bird’s bill is black and contrasts beautifully with its yellow eyes. Lastly, its legs and feet are also black in color.

Both males and females appear to be full of life. Young birds, on the other hand, have a less vibrant tone on their nape, and their facial pattern becomes visible only after their first month of development.

These charming avian creatures can be spotted in the heartland of South America, specifically in the sun-drenched southwestern regions of Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the northeastern corners of Argentina.

The Plush-crested Jay is often spotted in forested regions and wooded locales, ranging from the usual lowland evergreen forests and tropical deciduous forests to the luscious temperate rainforests. Generally, it can be observed at elevations of up to 1500 meters, although there have been sightings as high as 2800 meters in the country of Bolivia.

The Plush-crested Jay primarily consumes small creatures without backbones, particularly insects. However, it also indulges in various fruits from different types of plants such as Ficus and Phylodendrum, Casearia and Syagros, as well as Psidium and Rapanea. Additionally, it seizes opportunities to feast on nestlings and eggs of other bird species, frogs, seeds, and even maize.

In the realm of breeding, these avian creatures occasionally exhibit a collaborative nature, as evidenced by the assistance provided by two to three offspring from the prior season. These diligent helpers contribute their efforts towards nest maintenance and safeguarding the territory. The abode itself takes the form of a cup-shaped structure, carefully constructed with twigs and adorned with smaller twigs and plant fibers. It is strategically positioned 4 to 7 meters above the ground, snugly nestled amidst dense foliage. Within this cozy abode, the mother lays a clutch of 2 to 4 eggs, each adorned with charming speckles. A period of 18-20 days is dedicated to incubation, during which the mother receives sustenance from her devoted partner. Finally, after this nurturing period, the vibrant hatchlings take flight from the nest after a span of 22-24 days since their initial arrival into the world.

The Plush-crested Jay is currently facing a significant threat due to deforestation. However, there is a silver lining as this particular species has the ability to survive in small sections of forests ranging from 10 to 20 hectares, as long as there are larger forest areas not located too far away.

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