“Rescued Pooch Can’t Hide his Joy: Heartwarming Moment of a ‘Broken’ Dog Finding Safety”

Animals that have been mistreated and abused may lose hope and give up on life, feeling like there is no chance for happiness. Upon arrival at a shelter in Texas, Sanford was labeled as a “broken dog” due to being hit by a car and having a bullet wound in his right leg.

He remained in the corner of the shelter without looking around, but since a foster mom took him home and introduced him to her other foster dogs, he hasn’t stopped smiling. According to Karen Velazquez, his foster mom, he is the happiest dog she has ever met. “I’m on my 52nd foster, and I can honestly say I’ve never had anyone as happy as him,” Karen told The Dodo. “He looks at me in a way that no other animal or human, including my own pets, has ever looked at me.” The only time he isn’t smiling is when he’s sleeping or eating.

Animal control officers found him injured on the roadside, having been hit by a car. To add to his misfortune, he also had a gunshot wound in his right hind leg.

He was taken to a small shelter in Dallas, but due to a lack of resources, he did not receive any medical care. Luckily, a volunteer from the local dog rescue group, Dallas DogRRR, noticed Sanford and knew she had to help right away.

“She said that he has been smiling since then. I think the moment he entered my house, he realized he was in a safe place,” Karen, who calls him “Sanfee,” stated. Sanford is now living the good life, enjoying home-cooked meals, going for daily walks, and playing with his new dog friends.

The canine, who has reached the age of 10, exhibits a remarkable level of energy for his advanced years and is actively seeking a permanent home. “He reminds me of an elderly gentleman residing in a nursing home.” Kerry added, “Despite being 95 years old, he carries himself like someone in their 50s.”

According to her, he would make a great companion for a family. She also mentioned that he has a friendly nature towards other dogs as well as humans. Additionally, she stated that he is even comfortable around kids.

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